Write Like A Pro

This talk will focus on helping aspiring writers, beginners and everyone who would like to connect with others through targeted content or stories.

It is also for those who:
– are convinced that endless opportunities exist in writing for personal or business purposes.
– want to build an audience around their passion or business
– love and want to learn writing, so that you can get paid to give value with what you really love.
– are open to researching and to learning something new about purposeful storytelling
– desire to get better everyday through comments and critique (feedback) from your readers and clients
– want to intersect writing and their area of specialty so that they carve a niche for themselves in their career or business path.

The talk/class will cover the necessary basics from how to develop a writing habit, through harnessing the skills necessary for effective writing/storytelling to creating the most purposeful, powerful and persuasive narratives.
