Mark Onoja

Mark Onoja

In 2007; I decided to choose Business Development as my career path. This will mean me working for other consulting firm to get cognate experience. I did this and added trading to get the full grabs of the experience attached with business.

In 2014; I went into business full time. It started rough but I soon learnt how to scale my business. Then business picked up, jobs came in to do and I had to employ two staffs.

Then in 2015; business went awry. Growth just became stunted. I knew there must be a way to grow my business and scale profitability. I did some research, applied what I learnt and boom! Business picked up.

These experiences made me understand that other Startups and Small business faced similar hurdle that I was able to overcome.

So from the fourth quarter of 2015; I decided to focus on:
1. Helping professionals easily kick-start a profitable business. I help Startups achieve this in less than 30 days.
2. Helping Small Business Develop and Execute Strategy. This all-inclusive growth is achieved in less than 90 days.
3. Automating Online and Offline Platforms that generate leads and convert them into paying customers.
4. Designing website that generate traffic, communicate brand essence and convert traffic to paying customers.
5. Being a crusader for the use of Inbound Marketing
